Ann Sterck is the HR manager for ECS European Containers. ECS organizes transportation of goods in containers between continental Europe and the United Kingdom and Ireland. ECS does big business in these countries, but from an HR perspective, it is not what we consider a high-volume user. At most, Ann hires two or three employees per month. She doesn't need a Model of Excellence. Ann just needs a reliable way to find and evaluate a few job candidates, and that's why she uses iWAM. Ann is a great example of a client who uses iWAM for it's basic ability to quickly and objectively report people's attitudes and motivations.

Ann has used iWAM to test about 40 job applicants, and she is now exploring other ways to use the tool. One way is job advertisement design. "The biggest challenge about hiring people is to attract the right people with your ad," Ann said. Within the iWAM Management Report, there is a section that provides motivating language for each metaprogram - these are the exact words that will motivate a person who scores high on that pattern. Ann uses iWAM to profile her top employees, and uses the language that would motivate them in her job ads. This is a clever way to design ads that will attract candidates with similar profiles to your top people.

She has also begun using iWAM for internal coaching. jobEQ provides reports that can teach clients how to coach and manage their employees, and how to improve communication. "I use it as a tool for talking," Ann said. "It opens the conversation, and I know everyone is talking about the same thing."

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The three basic questions concerning actions are: What is the goal? How will you know you have reached it? What will you do to get there?

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last modified: 2006/Aug/07 15:57 UTC