Model of Excellence
A Model of Excellence answers the following question: “What is the difference between a top performer and a low performer?” Sometimes such a model is named a “reference model.” This page describes jobEQ’s experience with building and using such Models of Excellence. At jobEQ this model is organized around the following formula for success: Results = Attitude x Values x Competence Given that a top performer gets results, applying jobEQ formula for explaining results leads to 3 questions: What kind of attitude does a top performer have? What values does the top performer hold? What competencies does a top performer have (which a low performer doesn’t have)? In other words, a complete Model of Excellence will have to define the attitude, the values and the competencies of top performers, and explain how these differ from attitude, values and competencies observed with lower performers holding the same kind of function. jobEQ’s technology for making maps of excellence in any of these 3 domains can be combined with other technology for the other 2 domains. Once a model has been made, it becomes a great Talent Management Solution which can be applied to all phases of the employee life cycle: from instream (attracting candidates, hiring the best, integrating them in the organization), throughout their stay in the job (making them more competent through mentoring, training & coaching + managing them in thr right way), to the outstream (assesmment for a new job inside the organisation, outplacement, ...). More on the subject: Related links:
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last modified: 2015/Dec/08 23:22 UTC