Join Us - Work with jobEQ as a consultant
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Consultants who are working with us, whether it is to do large scale surveys to evaluate organizational cultures, or to offer advanced solutions for recruitment or assessment centers, appreciate the huge number of possibilities our tools offer them. They know they will be able to customize our tools to provide the solution their customer is looking for. We appreciate that they will do projects where 250 or even 1000 and more persons complete one or several of jobEQ’s questionnaires. In many cases they make use of jobEQ’s model of excellence technology. Some consultants will also have all the qualifications of what is described under the distributor/Reseller examples. Other consultants, rather than doing everything themselves, may choose to rely on jobEQ partners or work with jobEQ directly for needs such as certifying users, providing helpdesk support, etc. They may also employ trainer/coaches as described in the third type of examples. What is required to become a jobEQ consultant?
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