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The Inventory for Work Attitude & Motivation (iWAM) is a questionnaire used for job-related activities, such as recruitment, coaching and training projects. It is based on metaprograms, a model of cognitive thinking styles (48 parameters are measured and explained). The iWAM Management Report identifies a person's motivational and attitude preferences in the job context and predicts how this person will behave in various job types, such as administrative, customer contact or managerial tasks. The iWAM Attitude Sorter predicts key motivational preferences and development areas. The questionnaire can be administered over the Internet or as a pen-and-paper test. The iWAM is currently available in more than 18 languages. Test administration takes 25 to 45 minutes. iWAM is our most popular product for a reason. Not only has it been used to get great results in various HRM application domains, such as recruiting, coaching & mentoring, management and team-building, but it's also founded on solid research. Check out our Research page to learn about the background of the test, and the thorough research that our products are based on. What can iWAM provide for my organization?
“ What I love about the iWAM is that it makes it easy to know how to motivate or coach an employee. ” -Marilyn Powell, EQ at Work iWAM Options: You may choose whatever tools will help your particular organization. You can just use our basic reports, combine them with other options, or take full advantage of iWAM by using a Model of Excellence (based on the profiles of your top performers, you get a profile of the attitude and/or competencies that are ideal for a candidate). <learn more> Metaprogram Categories that iWAM measures |
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last modified: 2019/Feb/02 20:57 UTC