Case Study extracted from the website:

Win-Win with a High-Volume Client

The Real Need for Online, Scalable Tools

There are several advantages to working with high-volume clients. For starters, more volume usually means better compensation, and often a high-profile addition to your portfolio. If you're using online tools, like jobEQ's iWAM questionnaire, the advantage is that the tools are built for high volume - online tools are scalable, and save more time with every test taken. Another benefit, according to Sarah Ainsworth, jobEQ's partner at Intervention Space, is long-term relationships. "If you're using a high volume," Ainsworth says, "you're probably using the tools over a long period of time. This lets you track your client's progress, and build long-term relationships with them."

Intervention Space is one of jobEQ's partners in the United Kingdom. Over the last two years, these consultants, in conjunction with jobEQ, have worked with one of the U.K.'s largest recruitment agencies. In fact, this client provides recruitment for a diverse range of industries from office workers to consultant surgeons, with over 150 branches across the U.K.

When they first started working together, the client had an unacceptably high turnover in staff - especially at branch level. Intervention Space put in place an iWAM Model of Excellence profiling system. The system was designed to model people who had proven ability based on branch and desk performance, as well as longevity in the business.

Since inception, this client has used iWAM to test more than 1,750 people. As usual, the Model of Excellence was able to predict enogh job performance that the company was significantly affected. One of the most interesting findings was the pattern of reactivity. Contrary to what common thought might suggest, Intervention Space concluded that the high performers in the company were especially reactive (rather than proactive). They sit back and consider issues more than average, which in this case leads to better performance.

Our partner used this and other findings to remodel what the client saw as the Ideal Job Candidate. Since this project began, turnover has gone down by 48% across the entire business. Goal achieved.

So what was the next step? Well, the business direction of this company has since changed, and once again they called on Sarah Ainsworth to help them find great employees. Apparently she was right about long-term relationships. The plan involves recalibrating the Model of Excellence to reflect management's new priorities: sales figures over longevity.

The point of this case is that the tools features on this Web site are the most flexible tools available. Whether you are looking to reduce turnover, improve performance, or help some other facet of an organization - even if you need to test more than 1,000 people - jobEQ's tools provide the fast, accurate way to do it.



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last modified: 2006/Aug/07 15:57 UTC